
Golden-Iris Media is content production for music, marketing and business. From thriving in the analogue, through the digital and back, we endeavour to produce our best work every time. Audio/Video/Scripts/Distribution.

Golden-Iris provides technical and creative services to small business, creative agencies and artists of all kinds. We bring experience and know how to create music videos, explainer videos, live broadcasts, product development and marketing and talent sourcing. Our broad familiarity with the latest products and techniques has you covered. Scripting, story-boards and production consulting are part of the package. We Do Creative.

The visual is our look


Create A Reel

This is an opportunity to take all the ‘B’ roll you have and put it in one container, one reel. Digital filming has created an enormous amount of content. Creating a presentation reel for yourself, your business or for education or training re-purposes and refines your content. We can work with you on this to make it easy and fun

Make An Explainer

Issues explained with graphics, text and sound are tough to ignore. Any subject explained with a collection of content can send a powerful message. Everyone sees it on YouTube and a good explainer gets passed around more than any other kind of video (almost 😉 ). Believe it or not.

Convert Lyrics

Songwriting comes with two things: music and lyrics. Sometimes it’s easier to sing the lyrics if they’re scrolling up in front of you on a screen. Check out the lyric videos already created. Lyric videos can also be seen as instructional, captioned presentations. For instance instructions can be transcribed from a video and re-imposed as text.

A bountiful exercise

Twitch TV

Using Golden-Iris can present a regular or irregular podcast, pre-recorded. When listeners and followers login they can choose to be part of the live-chat, contribute questions, enter polls and interact safely with like minded others. This is a great alternate media solution for people and business who want to develop intelligent* content for others to consume. Golden-Iris is an experimental shop, welding problems to solutions using technology imagination and tape. When you’re looking to break the mould, or fit smoothly within it, give us a try. There’s still lots of room for business opportunity in this sector.


Press This – Video blog

  • Posts on the visual – Manfrotto
    Its important to have weight with pods of any sort In the world of hardware, Manfrotto holds a high place on the mountain top of sophisticated tools and workshop rarities.
  • Posts on the visual – Content reels…
    Content reels are like screenplays Collect video and still image content and categorize by 3 types Rough edit all the pieces leaving a tag of two seconds on each for transitions Select and mix all audio separate to collecting the … Read more
  • Posts on the visual – the lens cap
    How important is the lens cap! It’s a conclusion you reach quickly with a camera you received by courier. There will be something you forgot. I forgot the lens cap and this was my ordeal.

Self-tapes and Explainer Videos


Self-tapes are used in many situations, for both personal and business purposes. For creatives the self-tape takes the place of the traditional audition. For job-seekers, the self tape is a recorded resume. For professionals the self-tape can act as a discreet update on client matters.

We can show you how to build self-tapes or create and publish them for you. Let us put a system together for you and see where it goes. Media is in the hands of the creator.

Let’s create.


Explainer videos tell a technical story to a non-technical audience. There are many levels of intensity when it comes to how much information can be conveyed in one production. To help this along, graphics and text intermix with audio overlays and natural endings and beginnings to ease each part of the content onto the audience’s awareness.

Topics for developing Explainers include historical subjects, walking tours, how to’s and content analysis. Golden-Iris is not expensive. The task is to get more, good projects. If your setup is a one-off or a weekly production,

Marketing and Sales

Resume ↗

Need a cool resume? We can prepare a resume and landing page for you. Video resumes, PDFs and interviews are also possible.

Interviews ↗

We can put together an interview format that brings out the best of what you have to offer from a video presentation to a PDF.

Photos ↗

We’d love to promote your photography on our pages with full credit and a link to your contact info. Golden-Iris can also animate your phots with video re-touching tools. Let us know!